Gamma Iota Sigma
Grand Chapter

Administrative Guide


Sample Solicitation Letter

Use your own words or it could become too familiar!


December 15, 1998
Barney D. Sore
Love You Insurance Company
123 ABC Lane
Columbus, OH 43215

Dear Mr. Sore:

I am writing today to ask for your financial support.  The “gemstone” of our insurance and risk management program at Bailey State University is the Chi Omega Chapter of Gamma Iota Sigma.  Our chapter has enjoyed great success.  Last year we won the Special Achievement Award. 

We could not have a successful program without the ongoing support of the Ohio insurance and risk management industry. We conduct fundraisers each month, such as car washes, Holloween insurance, flower sales and raffles.  However, in conducting a full program of activities such as agency and company tours, attendance at industry educational seminars and resume book printing, we often fall short of funds.

One big expense that we have coming up is our Gamma Iota Sigma national management conference.  This conference will be held from April 24, 1998 to April 26, 1998, in San Diego, California.  This conference will bring together over 100 of the top insurance and risk management students from across the nation.  This includes such schools as the University of Georgia, University of Pennsylvania, and The Ohio State University, just to name a few.

The purpose of this conference is twofold.  First, it is intended to be a learning experience and an opportunity to gain knowledge outside the classroom.   Secondly, it is a forum for the exchange of ideas to build more successful chapters.

As with a trip of this distance there is a considerable amount of expense involved.  In an attempt to make it economically feasible for the attending students, we have been soliciting companies and organizations, such as yours, for funds to held cover the cost of or travel expense and lodging.  We estimate that the expense will be $300 per student.  Would you please help us send four students to this training conference by sending your donation.  Please send your check, payable to the Gamma Iota Sigma Chi Omega Chapter, to me attention at the address above.

We would be happy to meet with you and/or your staff, to tell you more about our activities and answer any questions you may have.  Please contact me in care of the insurance and risk management program office, 666-555-1251, if I can provide any additional information.

Sincerely yours,

Mary Jane Smith
